PC Technician/CompTIA

» Continuing Education » Course Schedule » Summer 2024

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Course Schedule: Summer 2024 Continuing Education

Course Listing as of Feb 8 2025 11:03:38:540PM

ACC Locations Legend

PC Technician/CompTIA


**May Qualify for Financial Aid - Contact 512-223-4636** 

Course tuition for the CompTIA vendor-neutral IT certification courses does not include required textbooks. Books are purchased separately from the HLC Campus bookstore, 512-474-2607. Each class requires a book. Instructor supplies only additional study materials. 

ITSC 1001 Introduction to Computing
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
X [ 20/ 24 ] 98735 310  ONLDILONL DIL 5/28/20247/28/2024Kohls, Mary E
LabDILONLDIL  5/28/2024 7/28/2024 Kohls, Mary E
ITSC 2064 Practicum - CIS, General Science - Class
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
8 [ 12/ 20 ] 99571 301  PraHLCHLC1 2412 F5/28/20247/28/202412:00PM01:30PMTrevino, David S
CPMT 2045 A+ Essentials
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
15 [ 5/20 ]94298 310  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF5/28/20246/25/202401:15PM05:15PMRoss, Charles
X [ 0/20 ]94345 311  DLSDILDLS DIL S6/1/20248/3/202408:00AM05:00PMForster, David G
X [ 0/20 ]94347 312  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF6/3/20247/1/202409:00AM01:00PMForster, David G
9 [ 11/20 ]94361 313  DLSDILDLS DIL TTh6/4/20248/13/202405:45PM09:45PMRoss, Charles
5 [ 7/12 ]94368 300  LecNRGNRG3 3222 MTWThF6/10/20247/9/202409:00AM01:00PMVega, Gabriel A Atkinson, Michael H
X [ 0/12 ]94370 301  LecNRGNRG3 3222 MWF6/10/20247/26/202405:30PM09:30PMVega, Gabriel A
CPMT 1072 A+ Practical Application
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
15 [ 5/20 ]94501 310  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF6/26/20247/12/202401:15PM05:15PMRoss, Charles
X [ 0/20 ]94536 312  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF7/2/20247/19/202409:00AM01:00PMForster, David G
X [ 0/20 ]94578 311  DLSDILDLS DIL S8/10/20249/14/202408:00AM05:00PMForster, David G
X [ 0/20 ]94647 313  DLSDILDLS DIL TTh8/20/20249/26/202405:45PM09:45PMRoss, Charles
4 [ 8/12 ]94539 300  LecNRGNRG3 3222 MTWThF7/11/20247/26/202409:00AM01:00PMAtkinson, Michael H
X [ 0/12 ]94570 301  LecNRGNRG3 3222 MWF7/29/20248/23/202405:30PM09:30PMVega, Gabriel A
CPMT 1073 Network+
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
14 [ 6/20 ]94542 310  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF7/15/20248/7/202401:15PM05:15PMRoss, Charles
X [ 0/20 ]94565 312  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF7/23/20248/16/202409:00AM01:00PMForster, David G
11 [ 9/20 ]94579 301  LecNRGNRG3 3222 MTWThF8/12/20249/6/202409:00AM01:00PMAtkinson, Michael H
X [ 0/12 ]82411 300  LecRRCRRC2 2122.00 TTh5/28/20247/30/202405:45PM09:45PMGoodson, Simon A
CPMT 1079 Google IT Support Certificate
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
15 [ 5/20 ]94346 310  ONLDILONL DIL 6/3/20248/23/2024Ross, Charles

Course Prices and Fees can be viewed by clicking the Synonym link for each course section. Prices and Fees are subject to change without notice, please check with Continuing Education for latest pricing information.
NOTE: The first column indicates the current status of the course. If the section is open, then the number indicates the remaining SEATS AVAILABLE. A small "c" in the first column indicates a CLOSED section which is currently filled and a small "x" indicates a CANCELLED class which is no longer offered.

ACC Locations Legend