Massage Therapy

» Continuing Education » Course Schedule » Summer 2023

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Course Schedule: Summer 2023 Continuing Education

Course Listing as of Oct 6 2024 08:03:37:587PM

ACC Locations Legend

Massage Therapy

**May Qualify for Financial Aid - Contact (512) 223-4636** 

Designed for individuals who wish to become licensed to practice Massage Therapy in the state of Texas. For admission to the Massage Therapy program, each student must meet the following requirements:

-Be at least 18 years of age
-Hold a high school diploma or GED
-Have no criminal record
-Be in good general health

Passing score on appropriate assessment and/or department approval required. All students must contact (512) 223-7583 before registering.

The following nine courses make up the required curriculum for the basic certificate and licensure in Massage Therapy.

MSSG 1013 Anatomy & Physiology for Massage
MSSG 2014 Pathology for Massage
MSSG 2013 Kinesiology for Massage
MSSG 1005 Hydrotherapy/Therapeutic Modalities
MSSG 1007 Business Practices & Professional Ethics
MSSG 1009 Health & Hygiene in Massage
MSSG 1011 Massage Therapy Fundamentals I
MSSG 2011 Massage Therapy Fundamentals II
MSSG 2086 Massage Therapy Internship

MSSG 1007 Business Practices and Professional Ethics
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
7 [ 5/12 ]65592 301  LecNRGNRG4 4261 MW7/26/20238/16/202309:00AM01:00PMBrady, Katherine A (Dir) Augostini, Katrina (Dir)
LecNRGNRG33220Th  8/31/2023 8/31/202309:00AM 11:00AMBrady, Katherine A (Dir) Augostini, Katrina (Dir)
LecNRGNRG33220 8/29/2023 8/29/202309:00AM 01:00PMBrady, Katherine A (Dir) Augostini, Katrina (Dir)
LecNRGNRG33220MW  8/21/2023 8/30/202309:00AM 01:00PMBrady, Katherine A (Dir) Augostini, Katrina (Dir)
5 [ 7/12 ]78115 302  LecNRGNRG4 4261 MW5/31/20235/31/202305:30PM09:30PMBrady, Katherine A (Dir)
LecNRGNRG44261MW  6/12/2023 7/19/202305:30PM 09:30PMBrady, Katherine A (Dir)
LecNRGNRG44261 7/24/2023 7/24/202305:30PM 07:30PMBrady, Katherine A (Dir)
MSSG 2011 Massage Therapy Fundamentals II
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
7 [ 5/12 ]65591 300  LecNRGNRG4 4261 TTh5/30/20238/17/202309:00AM01:00PMBrady, Katherine A (Dir) Estrada-Groblewski, Humberto E (Dir) Attea, Theresa A (Dir) Leahy, Roberta Elizabeth (Dir) Lemire, Stacey R (Dir)
LecNRGNRG33220TTh  8/22/2023 8/24/202309:00AM 01:00PMBrady, Katherine A (Dir) Estrada-Groblewski, Humberto E (Dir) Attea, Theresa A (Dir) Leahy, Roberta Elizabeth (Dir) Lemire, Stacey R (Dir)
MSSG 2013 Kinesiology for Massage
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
7 [ 5/12 ]65593 300  LecNRGNRG4 4261 MW5/31/20237/3/202309:00AM01:00PMEstrada-Groblewski, Humberto E (Dir)
LecNRGNRG44261 7/24/2023 7/24/202309:00AM 12:00PMEstrada-Groblewski, Humberto E (Dir)
LecNRGNRG44261MW  7/10/2023 7/19/202309:00AM 01:00PMEstrada-Groblewski, Humberto E (Dir)
MSSG 2014 Pathology for Massage
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
7 [ 5/12 ]65595 300  LecNRGNRG4 4261 Th6/1/20237/27/202305:30PM09:30PMEstrada-Groblewski, Humberto E (Dir)
LecNRGNRG44261 7/26/2023 7/26/202305:30PM 09:30PMEstrada-Groblewski, Humberto E (Dir)
LecNRGNRG44261 7/31/2023 7/31/202305:30PM 09:30PMEstrada-Groblewski, Humberto E (Dir)
LecNRGNRG44261 8/2/2023 8/2/202305:30PM 06:30PMEstrada-Groblewski, Humberto E (Dir)
MSSG 2086 Internship- Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
1 [ 11/12 ]65590 300  IntNRGNRG4 4206 MTWThF6/2/20238/21/202309:00AM05:30PMBrady, Katherine A (Dir)
IntNRGNRG33220MTWThF  8/22/2023 8/31/202309:00AM 05:30PMBrady, Katherine A (Dir)

Course Prices and Fees can be viewed by clicking the Synonym link for each course section. Prices and Fees are subject to change without notice, please check with Continuing Education for latest pricing information.
NOTE: The first column indicates the current status of the course. If the section is open, then the number indicates the remaining SEATS AVAILABLE. A small "c" in the first column indicates a CLOSED section which is currently filled and a small "x" indicates a CANCELLED class which is no longer offered.

ACC Locations Legend