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Adobe InDesign is the industry-standard page layout program. In this class you'll use InDesign to produce a variety of single-page and multi-page documents. You'll learn to set and format type, work with paragraph styles, import images from Illustrator and Photoshop, define and apply color, apply graphic effects, create PDFs, and package files for printing. Suggested prerequisites: Fundamentals of PC Use or equivalent experience.
Study of current office procedures, duties, and responsibilities applicable to an office environment. The series includes instruction in word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentation software, internet searching, as well as data entry, practical business applications, business math and business communications. Required textbook: Contemporary Business Mathematics for Colleges, 17e; James E. Deitz; James L. Southam ISBN:9781305506701, e-book or ISBN 978-1305506688, paperback.
Introduction of the basic principles and practices of sterile technique, sterilization, preparation, and use of surgical instruments, supplies and equipment; ethical/legal implications.
Adobe Illustrator
Course Code: IMED-1070
Program Area: Computer Science & Information Technology
Illustrator is the industry-standard illustration software for creating logos, package design, posters, and virtually every kind of 2-D illustration (and even some 3-D). Learn to leverage the third pillar of the Adobe Creative Suite, integrating it into your Photoshop and InDesign workflow. In this class you will learn the ins and outs of vector illustration, including basic shape rendering, complex shading, and many other powerful features that make Illustrator the most versatile publishing software on the market. Suggested prerequisites: Fundamentals of PC Use or equivalent experience.
A study of anatomy and physiology with emphasis on human pathophysiology, including: etiology, prognosis, medical treatment, and signs and symptoms of common diseases of all body systems.