Online and In-Person Training for Pharmacists and Technicians
Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Upgrade your industry skills in sterile compounding, vaccination administration, chemotherapy compounding, and more through Austin Community College's Pharmacy Technician Program, in partnership with ACC's Continuing Education Division. You'll learn from nationally recognized subject-matter experts online, in person at ACC's state of the art training facility at the Eastview Campus, or onsite in your own pharmacy or school. Upon successful completion of each course, you'll receive ACPE accredited continuing education units (CEUs) uploaded to CPE Monitor, and a printable certificate.
What Our ACPE Accredited Program Offers:
- ACPE accredited continuing education (CE) courses for both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.
- In-person, online, and hybrid course options.
- Instructor certification options allow you to IV certify your pharmacy personnel at your facility.
- Total tuition and fees up to 50% lower than other training sites.
Highlighted Hands-On, Hybrid Courses for In-Demand Skills
The following courses align with new state and federal regulations. Hybrid courses have online and in-person (live) components.
+ PHRA 2075: Vaccine Storage, Preparation, and Administration
Contact Hours / CEUs: 48 hours / 4.8 CEUs
Learn how to handle, store, and administer various vaccinations to adult, adolescent, and pediatric patients, using Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) guidelines, and relevant best practice standards for immunization education and training. This course combines online coursework, a two-day hands-on workshops, and proctored exams.
+ PHRA-2076: Teaching Sterile Compounding and Aseptic Technique: Instructor's Course
Contact Hours / CEUs: 48 hours / 4.8 CEUs
Designed for pharmacy personnel who teach, train, or supervise those who prepare compounded sterile preparations (CSPs). Certified Instructors can then return to their practice setting or school and train pharmacy personnel in current USP<797> standards for sterile compounding and aseptic technique so they may earn nationally recognized IV certification. Course combines home study coursework, training videos and case studies, with competency assessments submitted by video, and proctored written exams.
+ PHRA 1091: Sterile Compounding & Aseptic Technique (SCAT)
Contact Hours / CEUs: 40 hours / 4.0 CEUs
Sterile compounding and aseptic technique training (IV Certification) based on current USP<797> standards, that meets Texas State Board of Pharmacy and Pharmacy Technician Certification Board requirements, and applicable practice standards. Learn aseptic garbing, hand washing, hood cleaning, LVP and SVP preparation, and more. You can complete the course over one weekend at ACC's Eastview Campus or make arrangements to have the course delivered at your practice site by our faculty, or taught at your facility by one of your personnel who have completed our PHRA 2076 course. Course combines pre-workshop online coursework; a two-day, in-person workshop; competency assessments; post-workshop online coursework, and proctored written exams. NOTE: this is an IV Certification course.
Other Hybrid Continuing Pharmacy Education Courses
The courses listed below require completion of the ACPE Course Petition. Hybrid courses include both online and in-person components.
+ PHRA 1071: Basic Extemporaneous Compounding (non-Sterile)
Contact Hours / CEUs: 48 hours / 4.8 CEUs
Learn non-sterile compounding procedures per USP<795> standards, including capsule preparation, ointments, creams, trochees, suppositories, use of mortar and pestle, digital scale, graduated cylinders, hotplate, ointment mill, and other compounding equipment. This course combines pre-workshop online coursework, a two-day in-person workshop, competency assessments, post-workshop online coursework, followed by a proctored exam.
Note: this is a Non-Sterile Compounding Certification Course.
+ PHRA 2072: Chemotherapy Compounding
Contact Hours / CEUs: 64 hours / 6.4 CEUs
Learn hazardous drug sterile compounding related to chemotherapy and antineoplastic preparations incorporating USP<800> standards. Includes training in NIOSH Hazardous Drugs List, chemotherapy calculations, chemo LVP and SVP prep, etc. as well as use of biological safety cabinets, barrier isolators, closed system transfer devices, and more. This course combines pre-workshop online coursework, a two-day in-person workshop and competency assessments, with post-workshop online coursework, and proctored written exams.
Note: This is a Chemotherapy Compounding certification course.
+ PHRA 2073: Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Compounding
Contact Hours / CEUs: 64 hours / 6.4 CEUs
Learn sterile compounding principles applied to total parenteral nutrition (TPN) compounding procedures, including TPN calculations, base solution and additive preparation, use/cleaning/calibration of an automated TPN compounder, manual TPNs, and more. Course combines pre-workshop online coursework, a two-day in-person workshop and competency assessments, with post-workshop online coursework, and proctored written exams.
+ PHRA 2074: Pediatric Preparations
Contact Hours / CEUs: 64 hours / 6.4 CEUs
Learn sterile compounding principles applied to pediatric compounded sterile preparations, pediatric calculations, EEC-based special dilutions, pediatric LVP and SVPs, syringe preparations and more.The course is designed to train pharmacy personnel in pediatric sterile compounding and aseptic technique procedures. This course combines pre-workshop online coursework, a two-day in-person workshop and competency assessments, with post-workshop online coursework and proctored written exams.
Detailed Course Information
For a full list of the online and live ACPE accredited CE courses we offer including detailed course descriptions, dates, prerequisites, technology requirements, cost, and universal activity numbers (UAN), click on the individual course links listed in the semester schedules below.
How to Register
ACPE accredited continuing pharmacy education classes and activities require all registrants to complete the ACPE course petition form to confirm prior experience and education. IMPORTANT: All students must complete the petition as a necessary first step in the registration process. Completing the petition and supplying the requested supporting documents is the quickest way to gain access to a course.
Follow these steps:
- Submit the ACPE course petition form and upload any required supplemental documents for the course you wish to take. each course you'll take. Typical supporting documents may include copies of your registration, licensure, and/or certification, IV certification, resume or CV, BLS/CPR certificate - as applicable to your course prerequisites.
- Allow 7 - 10 business days for processing once you submit the petition and documents.
- Once your petition is approved, you will be guided through the registration process by our knowledgeable and helpful CE registration team.
NOTE: For questions about an ACPE CE course or the petition, please contact the program's coordinator Toni Steiner at or 512-223-5958. For questions about contracting with the ACC Pharmacy Technician CE Program to write CE activities for accreditation, or about partnering with us in a co-providership arrangement to offer ACPE accredited CE for your inservice, conference, or workshop, schedule a conference call with the program's CPE administrator, Lisa McCartney, by using the online appointment calendar. When reserving your appointment, please be sure to include a phone number where you can be reached at the appointed time, as well as a brief note regarding the nature of the call.
About Our Accreditation

The Austin Community College Pharmacy Technician Program is accredited by the Accreditation Council on Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.