Software Development Bootcamp Prep Course

» Continuing Education » Course Schedule » Software Development Bootcamp Prep Course

» Continuing Education » Course Schedule » Software Development Bootcamp Prep Course

2025 Spring Semester Course Registration Begins October 14th. Learn more. 50% Savings On Our Fast Track Programs! Learn More.

Program Page Register NowITSX 3066 - Software Development Bootcamp Prep Course
Interested in making a career change to Software Development? The Austin Community College Software Development Bootcamp and is an excellent choice for building skills in the high demand areas of software development. The ACC bootcamp covers Full stack Javascript Software, Git, and many more technologies.

In order to get prepared for the Bootcamp, ACC is offering a Bootcamp Prep Course. In this prep course, you will work on essential computer and math skills. This 2 week long course will help navigate the rigor of the Bootcamp.

Bootcamp Prep Course includes:
-Familiarity with web technologies: HTML
-Simple programming concepts using online gaming environments like MIT Scratch
-Use of computer tools including: Linux Command Line, Git/Github, Visual Studio Code
-Familiarity with your computer's operating system, including Windows 10, Windows Subsystem Linux and Mac OSX
-Refresh of basic math and logic skills that would help you get ready for a career in technology