Institute of Language and Culture

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Course Schedule: Fall 2023 Continuing Education

Course Listing as of Sep 18 2024 06:03:35:530AM

ACC Locations Legend

Institute of Language and Culture

Learn to speak languages from around the world! ACC's Continuing Education features a variety of language classes to help you get started on the journey of language study.  

PLEASE NOTE: These are non-credit continuing education classes.  Please view course description and course syllabus to determine your level as we do not provide assessment testing. 

Note: Class log-in information can be found in Blackboard a few days prior to the class start date. An active ACC Email and eID are required to login.


FRNX 3000 Conversational Italian III
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
9 [ 9/18 ]78170 110  DLSDILDLS DIL T8/22/202310/24/202305:30PM07:30PMCasciana, Patrizia (Dir)
DLSDILDLSDIL 11/7/2023 11/7/202305:30PM 07:30PMCasciana, Patrizia (Dir)
X [ 0/18 ]78171 100  LecHLCHLC2 1230 Th8/24/202311/2/202305:00PM07:00PMCasciana, Patrizia (Dir)
PORX 3000 Conversational Portuguese I
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
13 [ 5/18 ]79437 100  LecNRGNRG4 4250 WF9/13/202310/27/202306:00PM07:30PMMartins, Adriana (Dir)
FREX 3005 Conversational French Intermediate I
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
X [ 0/20 ]83948 110  DLSDILDLS DIL S10/28/202312/9/202303:00PM06:00PMMazet, Veronique (Dir)
SLNX 3007 Conversational American Sign Language I
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
X [ 0/18 ]78581 110  DLSDILDLS DIL MW9/6/202310/9/202306:00PM08:00PMWilson, Keri D (Dir)
BSKX 3007 Urdu Hindi I- Basic Oral Communication
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
X [ 0/18 ]78158 100  LecRRCRRC1 1208.00 S8/26/202310/28/202312:00PM02:00PMSajid, Sukaina (Dir)
SLNX 3008 Conversational American Sign Language II
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
X [ 0/15 ]79185 100  DLSDILDLS DIL MW10/16/202311/15/202306:00PM08:00PMWilson, Keri D (Dir)
FREX 3011 French I
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
12 [ 16/ 28 ] 82225 106  ONLDILONL DIL 8/21/202312/10/2023Smith, Stuart N(Dir)
X [ 8/ 28 ] 82227 101  DLSDILDLS DIL TTh8/22/202312/7/202303:30PM05:20PMMazet, Veronique (Dir)
FRNX 3016 Conversational Japanese
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
11 [ 7/18 ]78172 110  DLSDILDLS DIL S9/2/202311/4/202301:30PM03:30PMSchuster, Emi (Dir)
ARAX 4011 Arabic I
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
15 [ 11/ 26 ] 72857 101  LecHLCHLC2 1234 TTh8/22/202312/7/202306:00PM07:50PMIdais, Fahim (Dir)
CHIX 4011 Chinese I
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
20 [ 6/ 26 ] 72855 101  DLSDILDLS DIL MW8/21/202312/6/202307:00PM08:50PMLau, Lam L (Dir)
9 [ 17/ 26 ] 72856 103  DLSDILDLS DIL TTh8/22/202312/7/202305:30PM07:20PMLau, Lam L (Dir)
KORX 4011 Korean I
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
6 [ 20/ 26 ] 72858 101  DLSDILDLS DIL TTh8/22/202312/7/202303:00PM04:50PMOh, Myung-Joo (Dir)
9 [ 17/ 26 ] 72859 102  DLSDILDLS DIL MW8/21/202312/6/202311:00AM12:50PMOh, Myung-Joo (Dir)
18 [ 8/ 26 ] 81552 103  DLSDILDLS DIL MW8/21/202312/6/202303:00PM04:50PMOh, Myung-Joo (Dir)
LATX 4011 Latin I
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
18 [ 10/ 28 ] 72854 101  DLSDILDLS DIL MW8/21/202312/6/202305:00PM06:50PMBurleson, James H (Dir)
RUSX 4011 Russian I
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
17 [ 11/ 28 ] 72853 102  LecRGCRG10 1111.00 TTh8/22/202312/7/202301:30PM03:20PMGreff, Mary H (Dir)

72853- Liberal Arts Gateway Course: ?Adventures in Russian: Discover the Fascinating World of Russian Language and Culture? ? 70229 - This is a HyFlex course which is face-to-face (F2F) and Synchronous course section that allows students to attend virtually or in person on any given day.  Students will need a computer, laptop, or tablet, reliable internet access, and a mic and camera. This class may require students to take proctored exams. Contact the instructor at  for more information.  More information is available on the class Blackboard page. This class will be supported by Supplemental Instruction (SI).  For more information, go to  All SI offerings are subject to change.




GERX 4012 German II
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
17 [ 11/ 28 ] 81524 102  ONLDILONL DIL 8/21/202312/10/2023Barr, Bradley B (Dir)
LATX 5011 Latin III
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
14 [ 12/ 26 ] 73207 101  DLSDILDLS DIL MW8/21/202312/6/202303:30PM04:50PMBurleson, James H (Dir)
RUSX 5011 Russian III
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
19 [ 7/ 26 ] 73208 101  ONLDILONL DIL 8/21/202312/10/2023Greff, Mary H (Dir)
SPNL 9001 Conversational Spanish I
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
2 [ 16/18 ]78199 110  DLSDILDLS DIL M9/11/20239/18/202306:00PM09:00PMBleiweiss, Miriam R (Dir)
DLSDILDLSDIL 10/2/2023 10/30/202306:00PM 09:00PMBleiweiss, Miriam R (Dir)
C [ 18/18 ]78202 111  DLSDILDLS DIL T9/5/202310/17/202306:00PM09:00PMEstrada de Cano, Claudia Del Roco (Dir)Carrasco-Salazar, Martha (Dir)
C [ 18/18 ]78203 112  DLSDILDLS DIL Th10/19/202312/7/202306:00PM09:00PMEstrada de Cano, Claudia Del Roco (Dir)
X [ 0/18 ]82444 102  LecHLCHLC1 2404 W9/6/202310/18/202312:30PM03:30PMLorenzo, Elsa G (Dir)
X [ 0/18 ]79126 101  LecNRGNRG3 3118 W9/6/202310/18/202312:30PM03:30PMLorenzo, Elsa G (Dir)
SPNL 9002 Conversational Spanish II
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
C [ 19/18 ]78204 110  DLSDILDLS DIL M11/6/202312/18/202306:00PM09:00PMBleiweiss, Miriam R (Dir)
4 [ 14/18 ]79193 111  DLSDILDLS DIL T10/24/202312/12/202306:00PM09:00PMEstrada de Cano, Claudia Del Roco (Dir)
X [ 0/14 ]78205 100  LecNRGNRG3 3118 W10/25/202311/15/202312:30PM03:30PMLorenzo, Elsa G (Dir)
LecNRGNRG33118 11/29/2023 12/13/202312:30PM 03:30PMLorenzo, Elsa G (Dir)
SPNL 9003 Conversational Spanish III
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
X [ 0/18 ]78206 110  DLSDILDLS DIL W9/6/202310/18/202306:00PM09:00PMBleiweiss, Miriam R (Dir)
X [ 0/18 ]78499 111  DLSDILDLS DIL T10/24/202311/14/202306:00PM09:00PMStaff
DLSDILDLSDIL 11/28/2023 12/12/202306:00PM 09:00PMStaff
X [ 0/14 ]78207 100  LecNRGNRG3 3118 M9/18/202310/30/202312:30PM03:30PMLorenzo, Elsa G (Dir)
SPNL 9005 Conversational Spanish IV
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
X [ 0/18 ]78208 110  DLSDILDLS DIL W10/25/202311/15/202306:00PM09:00PMBleiweiss, Miriam R (Dir)
DLSDILDLSDIL 11/29/2023 12/13/202306:00PM 09:00PMBleiweiss, Miriam R (Dir)
X [ 0/14 ]78209 100  LecNRGNRG3 3118 M11/6/202312/18/202312:30PM03:30PMLorenzo, Elsa G (Dir)
FRNL 9050 Conversational Italian I
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
C [ 19/18 ]78168 110  DLSDILDLS DIL M8/21/202311/6/202305:30PM07:30PMCasciana, Patrizia (Dir)
FRNL 9051 Conversational Italian II
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
X [ 0/18 ]78169 110  DLSDILDLS DIL W8/23/202311/1/202305:30PM07:30PMCasciana, Patrizia (Dir)

Course Prices and Fees can be viewed by clicking the Synonym link for each course section. Prices and Fees are subject to change without notice, please check with Continuing Education for latest pricing information.
NOTE: The first column indicates the current status of the course. If the section is open, then the number indicates the remaining SEATS AVAILABLE. A small "c" in the first column indicates a CLOSED section which is currently filled and a small "x" indicates a CANCELLED class which is no longer offered.

ACC Locations Legend