Medical Billing & Coding

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Course Schedule: Fall 2024 Continuing Education

Course Listing as of Oct 6 2024 10:04:01:560PM

ACC Locations Legend

Medical Billing & Coding

An application to the program must be completed, submitted, and approved before students may begin the program. Review the Medical Billing and Coding webpage, print the application, work through the checklist, and schedule an orientation meeting. Coordinator (512) 223-7055.

MDCA 1002 Human Disease/Pathophysiology
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
C [ 30/ 20 ] 98185 120  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF9/30/202410/14/202409:00AM12:00PMFinke, Cristal M (Dir)
DLSDILDLSDILMTWThF  9/30/2024 10/14/202401:00PM 04:00PMFinke, Cristal M (Dir)
C [ 30/ 20 ] 98215 121  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF10/16/202411/15/202406:00PM09:00PMPeka, Juanita (Dir)
HPRS 1006 Essentials of Medical Terminology
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
C [ 29/ 20 ] 98150 120  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF9/3/20249/10/202409:00AM12:00PMWaldron, Jennifer F (Dir)
DLSDILDLSDILMTWThF  9/3/2024 9/10/202401:00PM 04:00PMWaldron, Jennifer F (Dir)
C [ 29/ 20 ] 98204 121  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF8/27/20249/11/202406:00PM09:00PMFinke, Cristal M (Dir)
MDCA 1009 Anatomy and Physiology for Medical Assistants
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
C [ 30/ 20 ] 98152 120  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF9/12/20249/26/202409:00AM12:00PMWaldron, Jennifer F (Dir)
C [ 27/ 20 ] 98210 121  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF9/13/202410/14/202406:00PM09:00PMWaldron, Jennifer F (Dir)
HITT 1013 Insurance Coding
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
6 [ 14/20 ]98232 110  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF11/12/202411/21/202409:00AM12:00PMFinke, Cristal M (Dir)
DLSDILDLSDILMTWThF  11/12/2024 11/21/202401:00PM 04:00PMFinke, Cristal M (Dir)
X [ 0/20 ]98245 111  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF9/11/202410/2/202406:00PM09:00PMAndrade, Sandra L (Dir)
HITT 1041 Coding and Classification Systems
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
6 [ 14/20 ]98233 110  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF11/25/202412/6/202409:00AM12:00PMFinke, Cristal M (Dir)
DLSDILDLSDILMTWThF  11/25/2024 12/6/202401:00PM 04:00PMFinke, Cristal M (Dir)
20 [ 0/20 ]98246 111  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF10/3/202410/24/202406:00PM09:00PMAndrade, Sandra L (Dir)
HITT 1049 Pharmacology
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
C [ 29/ 20 ] 98194 120  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF10/28/202411/6/202409:00AM12:00PMKing, Rachel E (Dir)
LabDILDLSDILMTWThF  10/28/2024 11/6/202401:00PM 04:00PMKing, Rachel E (Dir)
HITT 1053 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Information
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
C [ 31/ 20 ] 98192 120  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF10/16/202410/25/202409:00AM12:00PMKing, Rachel E (Dir)
DLSDILDLSDILMTWThF  10/16/2024 10/25/202401:00PM 04:00PMKing, Rachel E (Dir)
C [ 30/ 20 ] 98218 121  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF11/18/202412/11/202406:00PM09:00PMKing, Rachel E (Dir)
HITT 2040 Advanced Medical Insurance Billing
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
20 [ 0/20 ]98248 110  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF10/25/202411/18/202406:00PM09:00PMAndrade, Sandra L (Dir)
14 [ 6/20 ]99426 111  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF8/28/20249/9/202409:00AM12:00PMFinke, Cristal M (Dir)
DLSDILDLSDILMTWThF  8/28/2024 9/9/202401:00PM 04:00PMFinke, Cristal M (Dir)
HITT 2045 Coding Certification Exam Review
Open SeatsEnrollmentSynonymSection # I/MCampBldgRoomDaysStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor
20 [ 0/20 ]98250 110  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF11/19/202412/20/202406:00PM09:00PMAndrade, Sandra L (Dir)
14 [ 6/20 ]99427 111  DLSDILDLS DIL MTWThF9/10/20249/24/202409:00AM12:00PMFinke, Cristal M (Dir)
DLSDILDLSDILMTWThF  9/10/2024 9/24/202401:00PM 04:00PMFinke, Cristal M (Dir)

Course Prices and Fees can be viewed by clicking the Synonym link for each course section. Prices and Fees are subject to change without notice, please check with Continuing Education for latest pricing information.
NOTE: The first column indicates the current status of the course. If the section is open, then the number indicates the remaining SEATS AVAILABLE. A small "c" in the first column indicates a CLOSED section which is currently filled and a small "x" indicates a CANCELLED class which is no longer offered.

ACC Locations Legend