Exploration of procedures to identify and evaluate an individual's and/or family's strengths, weaknesses, problems, and needs in order to develop an effective plan of action. Topics include oral and written communications essential for screening, assessment, and case management to determine the need for prevention, intervention, and/or referral. Integrated with credit SCWK-2301.
Special skills and techniques in the application of counseling skills for the Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) client. Development and utilization of advanced treatment planning and management. Includes review of confidentiality and ethical issues. Integrated with college credit DAAC 2341.
An examination of major theories of various treatment modalities. Topics include reality therapy, psychodynamics, grief therapy, person-centered therapy, rational emotive therapy, and cognitive behavioral approaches. (R) Integrated with college credit PSYT 2339. (LCDC, SW)
Development of the basic communication skills necessary to develop an effective helping relationship with clients. Topics include counseling techniques such as intake interviewing, relationship building, problem identification and resolution. Emphasis on importance of effective oral communications. Integrated with college credit SCWK 2311.
Principles of Behavior Management and Modification
A study of the theories and principles of behavior management, cognitive theories and techniques. Emphasis will be on their applications including managing self-behavior. In-depth study will be in operant conditioning techniques. Integrated with credit PSYT-2345.
Development of personal, social, and work adjustment skills. Exploration will include open communication, assertiveness, self-disclosure, and building relationships with group members in a way that enhances trust and mutual concern. Knowledge gained in class is designed to transfer to actual working situations. Integrated with credit PSYT-1313. Qualifies for student health insurance.
An overview of causes and consequences of substance related and addictive disorders, the major drug classifications and the counselor's code of ethics. Integrated with college credit DAAC-1319.