Principles of Selling

» Continuing Education » Course Schedule » Principles of Selling

» Continuing Education » Course Schedule » Principles of Selling

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Program Page Add To List MRKG-2033 Principles of Selling
Section Information
Open SeatsSynonymCourseSectionCourse TypeCampusBuildingRoomDaysStartEndStartEnd
Course Title:  Principles of Selling
Section Contact Hours: 48
Section Notes:

99451- This section includes a fee to cover the costs of required digital materials and/or an electronic textbook, provided at a discounted rate from the ACC Bookstore. IMPORTANT! The digital materials fee will be added to your tuition and fees when you register. You may choose to opt out of this fee and receive a refund if you wish to purchase the course materials separately.  Opt-out requests must be received prior to the official reporting date for a full refund. For more information see

For more information contact Isaac Mackzum, email:

Instructor: Mackzum, Isaac Kenji.URL: Not Available
Course Material Fee Tax7.73
Course Material Fee93.75
Total fees:356.48

We Are Here To Help You

Program Advisor

Contact Eileen Collazo, who is the program coordinator for this course.

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Course Instructor

This instructor, Isaac Kenji. Mackzum, hasn't provided any contact information.

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Registration Staff

Our friendly registration staff is here to provide any assistance.

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